The duty of the Heart | Amazing things about Human Heart

 The human body is composed of many organs. If any one organ is disturbed in its work, then one becomes ill. What are the functions of the heart, which is an important organ in the human body? Now let us know about its structure.

The heart of a 70 kg man weighs about 350 grams. Most of the heart is on the left side. Hence the left lung is slightly smaller. Ribs protect the heart as the rib cage protects the brain. The heart also has two protective layers. These are called pericardium.

Between them is a liquid called pericardium fluid. All these protect the heart from injury due to vibration in the body. The heart's small blood vessels (coronary arteries) supply the oxygen necessary for the heart to beat. Cardiac arrest occurs when fat accumulates in these narrow blood vessels and stops the transport of oxygen to the heart.

Blood transfusion

The main function of the heart is to transport the oxygen needed by our body parts along with the blood. The human heart has four chambers. The rooms on the left are smaller than the rooms on the right. The upper two chambers are called atria. They collect blood from body parts. Their walls are thin. The lower chambers of the heart are called ventricles. They distribute blood to all organs in the body. That is why their walls are thick. Our heart beats 1,15,000 times in a day. Transports 6-7.5 liters of blood. Arteries are the blood vessels that supply blood from the heart to the parts of the body. The blood vessels that carry blood from the body parts to the heart are called veins.

Blood is distributed and collected due to contraction and expansion of the four chambers of the heart. At this time a sound called 'lub dub' will be heard. Both heart and nerve response are similar. Bad blood containing carbon dioxide from the body reaches the heart. Also, the main function of the heart is to send oxygen to the organs in the body. Abnormal heartbeat is called Arrhythmia.

Amazing things

**Women's heart is slightly faster than men's heartbeats Laughter keeps the heart healthy.
**An insect called a fairy has the smallest heart. 
**The creature with the biggest heart is the blue whale
**A pygmy shrew has a maximum heart rate of 1200 beats per minute.

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