The Best juices for Diabetic Patients

The number of diabetes sufferers is increasing day by day. 

According to a study, one in five people in the country has sugar. Once infected it is difficult to completely reduce it. However, it can be controlled by eating certain foods.

1.Green Tea: Green tea is a divine medicine for diabetic sufferers. It is good for the body as it is low in carbohydrates and calories. Being rich in antioxidants, it protects against infections. Good for heart problems, type-2 diabetics. Controls the sugar level in the body.

2.Beetroot and beetroot juice : Drinking beetroot or beetroot juice daily can keep diabetes under control. Digestive diseases are also removed. Beet root juice controls blood sugar levels.

3.Coconut water: Due to the vitamins, minerals and amino acids it contains, it does not cause fatigue. Coconut water controls the sugar level in the body.

4.Keera juice: Due to the calcium, phosphorus, vitamin-A, B1 and amino acids found in it, the release of hormones in the body is balanced.

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