White hair: Why we get white hair?

Why white hair is coming?

 White hair is a problem that bothers many people. Irrespective of the age, this white hair is coming in some people at a young age. Researchers at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine in America tried to find out the causes of gray hair. Surprising things came to light in their research.

'Melanocyte stem cells' determine the color of our hair. This research found that the melanocyte stem cells become weaker as a person ages. This causes the hair to lose its natural color. Some cells have the ability to move between growth compartments in hair follicles. As the melanocyte stem cells get stuck in motion, their numbers decrease as we age. Researchers say that the melanocyte stem cells lose their ability to maintain hair color.

Genes inherited from birth determine things like color and shape of a person. There are differences in the age at which people's hair color changes depending on race and region of residence. Generally, most people after 40 years of age have more chances of getting gray hair. Scientists say there is no need to consider gray hair as a medical problem.

This research has shown that the use of chemical products such as shampoos and hair oils can cause white hair. Although products with high sulfates have some benefits for the hair, they can cause hair to become dry and prone to damage. It turns the hair white. Hence, use sulfate-free hair oils and shampoos

“If the body does not have the necessary vitamins, your hair will not be healthy. Deficiency of nutrients like folic acid and biotin causes hair to turn gray. Eat foods like dairy products, eggs, and meat to supplement these nutrients.

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